Friday, July 08, 2005


Supreme Court justice
faces boot from home?
Developer wants 'Lost Liberty Hotel' built upon property of David Souter
Posted: June 28, 2005
1:45 p.m. Eastern
By Ron Strom
© 2005

A private developer contacted the local government in Supreme Court Justice David Souter's hometown in New Hampshire yesterday asking that the property of the judge – who voted in favor of a controversial decision allowing a city to take residents' homes for private development – be seized to make room for a new hotel.

Logan Darrow Clements faxed a request to Chip Meany, the code enforcement officer of the town of Weare, N.H., seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, the present location of Souter's home.

Wrote Clements: "Although this property is owned by an individual, David H. Souter, a recent Supreme Court decision, Kelo v. City of New London, clears the way for this land to be taken by the government of Weare through eminent domain and given to my LLC for the purposes of building a hotel. The justification for such an eminent domain action is that our hotel will better serve the public interest as it will bring in economic development and higher tax revenue to Weare."

The Kelo v. City of New London decision, handed down Thursday, allows the New London, Conn., government to seize the homes and businesses of residents to facilitate the building of an office complex that would provide economic benefits to the area and more tax revenue to the city. Though the practice of eminent domain is provided for in the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, this case is significant because the seizure is for private development and not for "public use," such as a highway or bridge. The decision has been roundly criticized by property-rights activists and limited-government commentators.

According to a statement from Clements, the proposed development, called "The Lost Liberty Hotel" will feature the "Just Desserts Café" and include a museum, open to the public, "featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America." Instead of a Gideon's Bible in each room, guests will receive a free copy of Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged," the statement said.

Clements says the hotel must be built on this particular piece of land because it is a unique site – "being the home of someone largely responsible for destroying property rights for all Americans."

Souter has claimed Weare as his home since he moved there as an 11-year-old boy with his family.

"This is not a prank" said Clements. "The town of Weare has five people on the Board of Selectmen. If three of them vote to use the power of eminent domain to take this land from Mr. Souter we can begin our hotel development."

Clements says his plan is to raise investment capital from wealthy pro-liberty investors and draw up architectural plans. These plans would then be used to raise additional capital for the project.

While Clements currently makes a living in marketing and video production, he tells WND he has had involvement in real estate development and is fully committed to the project.

"We will build a hotel there if investors come forward, definitely," he said.

Clements is the CEO of Freestar Media, LLC, which is dedicated to fighting "the most deadly and destructive force on the planet: abusive governments," the website states.

The activist says he is aware of the apparent conflict of someone who is strongly opposed to the Kelo decision using it to purposely oust an American from his property.

"I realize there is a contradiction, but we're only going to use it against people who advocated" the Kelo decision, Clements told WND. "Therefore, it's a case of retaliation, not initiation."

Clements says some people have already offered to put money into the project.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorist attacks in London

While President Bush has "taken the fight to the terrorist so we don't have to fight them here" (as the right-wing claim) alQaeda is claiming responsibility for the bombings in London today which included a double decker bus and the Edgeware Rd. Tube station.
My heart goes out to all those who have been injured or killed in this latest terrorist attack.
The most frightening thought is that today it was London, tomorrow it could be America or anywhere. The claim that we are fighting the terrorist in Iraq so we don't have to fight them at home is not only a falsehood, it is pure ignorance.
We originally took the fight to the terrorist when we declared war against the Taliban in Afghanistan who were harboring and aiding Osama bin Ladden and al Qaeda who were the "real" terrorist behind 9/11 and who are claiming responsibility for this latest attack in England.
As terrible and sad as this attack is, it should serve as a reminder that while we are tied down in the obvious quagmire in Iraq the real terrorists still have to ability to pick and chose who and where they want to attack anywhere in the world.
By the way..... Where is bin ladden?

An attack on free press and democracy

Is the jailing of Judith Miller of the New York Times by a federal judge an attack on the press and freedom? Is it an attempt to silence critical media coverage of the government?
It seems that the revealing of Valerie Plame two years ago by
right-wing journalist Robert Novak was an attack by the Bush
administration in retaliation of Plame's husband Joseph Wilson who
debunked the allegation that Saddam purchased uranium from
President Bush used the false "yellow cake" claim as well as WMD in
his State of the Union Address in January of 2003 to sell his pitch for
war against Iraq.
I personally believe that this is an attack on the media to
intimidate and frighten investigative journalism, especially when it is
critical of the administrations reasons for war, or the "war on
terrorism". I think the order to jeopardize Plame's identity stems at
the top of the Bush administration, and no one has come forward. It will be interesting to see who takes the rap for this (besides Plame and Cooper)
It seems we have an administration that is accountable to no one, and
is not interested in true freedom and democracy. Without a "real" free
press, we have a dictatorship instead of a democracy.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bush communications "Behind the scenes"

This is very funny.
Thanks Chris.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Letter to the Editor "Bush's Iraq War Speech June 28th"

I just received a confirmation call from the St. Paul Pioneer Press
regarding a letter I sent to the editor about President Bush's
speech at Fort Bragg North Carolina about the Iraq War last week. I
have never had a letter printed so I am excited about this.
Here is the letter I sent the Pioneer Press:
" I am amazed that President Bush is still trying to use 9/11/01 to
legitimize his rush to war with Iraq. I feel so bad for all the people
who were manipulated by this administration into believing that there
was a tie between Iraq and the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
The media is so afraid to call Bush on his misleading statements, and
he has lied to Congress and the American people. It's time for some
accountability from this administration."
The soldiers in attendance were told not to applaud during the
speech so that it wouldn't make it appear as a political rally, that is
until Bush staffers prompted the only burst of applause after Bush's
"we will stay the fight until the fight is won" statement.
Could this administration be anymore phony? Everywhere Bush speaks
his audiences are hand picked and screened so as to weed out any
possible criticism or tough questioning.
I was disappointed by Bush's speech because I had hoped he would
level with the American people and be truthful about the long road our
troops are faced with in Iraq, and that it will be some time before we
can train Iraqi soldiers to replace our troops in securing their
country. Instead, it turned out to be another manipulative speech using
9/11 over and over again to justify the Iraq War.
WMD's were not mentioned once in his speech....

Monday, July 04, 2005

America the Beautiful?

A friend of mine e-mailed me this sad version of "America the Beautiful"
Thanks Keith

To the Tune "America the Beautiful"

Oh pitiful, with specious lies
our coffers they did drain
it's personal, these travesties,
the lies are now engrained
America! America!
God's mercy be on thee
the neoCons have done thee wrong
from sea to shining sea.

Oh treachery! oh broken faith
our leaders, to their shame
gave power to this president
to kill, destroy and maim
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
may We the People, find ourselves:
one Nation, true and free!

- anonymous

Fourth of July 2005

This is my first attempt at blogging. I wrote an entry into my journal last night and I will share it here with you as my first blog.

It is the wee hours of the morning July 4th 2005 and I have been thinking about my country and the shape its in. It was interesting talking to a friend of mine who wanted to fly his flag but was afraid his neighbors would think he was a George W. Bush supporter ...Jeeez!!
That is what some right-wingers have done with our flag symbol here in America. Ever since 9/11/01 this administration has used the American flags image to provoke nationalism and self-righteousness, from attacking countries preemptively, to personal attacks against criticizers of the administration and its policies. Anyone who questions the war in Iraq is labeled "traitor" or "unpatriotic" by this extremist right-wing administration.
So in my heart I fly the flag, the flag I used to pledge allegiance to every morning in school, the flag that brought a tear to my eye when the national anthem was sung at a sporting event. This is my flag, and I love my country and no neo-con fascists is gonna tell me anything different.
People have the American flag all over their cars and yards, they have yellow "support the troops" stickers on their bumpers of their cars, to prove that they support this Presidents illegal attack on Iraq, and whatever country is next in his endless "war on terror"
I am a shamed of my government for their lies and misleading. I think the majority of the people are beginning to wake up (but its too late) the damage has been done and there is no turning back now.
Happy Birthday America.....