Monday, July 04, 2005

Fourth of July 2005

This is my first attempt at blogging. I wrote an entry into my journal last night and I will share it here with you as my first blog.

It is the wee hours of the morning July 4th 2005 and I have been thinking about my country and the shape its in. It was interesting talking to a friend of mine who wanted to fly his flag but was afraid his neighbors would think he was a George W. Bush supporter ...Jeeez!!
That is what some right-wingers have done with our flag symbol here in America. Ever since 9/11/01 this administration has used the American flags image to provoke nationalism and self-righteousness, from attacking countries preemptively, to personal attacks against criticizers of the administration and its policies. Anyone who questions the war in Iraq is labeled "traitor" or "unpatriotic" by this extremist right-wing administration.
So in my heart I fly the flag, the flag I used to pledge allegiance to every morning in school, the flag that brought a tear to my eye when the national anthem was sung at a sporting event. This is my flag, and I love my country and no neo-con fascists is gonna tell me anything different.
People have the American flag all over their cars and yards, they have yellow "support the troops" stickers on their bumpers of their cars, to prove that they support this Presidents illegal attack on Iraq, and whatever country is next in his endless "war on terror"
I am a shamed of my government for their lies and misleading. I think the majority of the people are beginning to wake up (but its too late) the damage has been done and there is no turning back now.
Happy Birthday America.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to fly the flag on The Fourth Of July, but I forgot to steal one on Flag Day, so I didn't have one. FLY THE FLAG ANYWAY! IT IS NOT ONLY THEIR FLAG, IT IS OURS TOO! The Unitarian minister Forrest Church (son of Frank Church, U.S. Senator from Idaho) said that he preaches only from the Bible, not from Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim or Native American or whatever else as many Unitarians do, not because it is the only good book, but because IT IS NOT ONLY THEIRS!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Lomstradamus said...

Thank you "The Seeker"
You are absolutely right, it isn't just theirs, its ours as well.
Thanks for the nice comment.

9:49 PM  

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