Thursday, October 20, 2005

Tom DeLay's Booking Photo

The Happiest Accused Felon in America

I'll be posting many more mugshots of Republican criminals as they come in. Plenty to look forward to because "Fitzmas time in near"

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Taking a rest from politics

I just got exhausted trying to keep up with all the corruption and scandals from the Bush administration and their cronies.
With Tom DeLay's indictment and that whole political circus brewing, to all the upcoming indictments for the outing of Valery Plame. I just had to step back and take a big breath.
While I am liberal on many issues I do not have issue with the true conservatives in the Republican party. The Bush administration does not represent the true Republican party, never did and never will. The Bush administration has done everything opposite of the conservative ideology.
The only grab they have on some conservatives is their anti-choice and anti-intellectual beliefs which really shouldn't even be political issues in this day and age. Even Rush Limbaugh is running out of good things to say about Bush.
I really hope that the Republican party regroups and finds a real identity within themselves that serves the American people instead of just corporate interests and cronyism.
I still don't understand how the extreme right can still support this regime of criminals and liars.
I am ashamed that our Vice President and many of his political advisers are being investigated (and possibly indicted) for intentionally outing a CIA agents identity for political attack against a descending voice against the reason for war in Iraq.
It will be interesting to see what happens if Cheney indeed is indicted for this. Should find out very soon.