Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Letter to the Editor "Bush's Iraq War Speech June 28th"

I just received a confirmation call from the St. Paul Pioneer Press
regarding a letter I sent to the editor about President Bush's
speech at Fort Bragg North Carolina about the Iraq War last week. I
have never had a letter printed so I am excited about this.
Here is the letter I sent the Pioneer Press:
" I am amazed that President Bush is still trying to use 9/11/01 to
legitimize his rush to war with Iraq. I feel so bad for all the people
who were manipulated by this administration into believing that there
was a tie between Iraq and the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
The media is so afraid to call Bush on his misleading statements, and
he has lied to Congress and the American people. It's time for some
accountability from this administration."
The soldiers in attendance were told not to applaud during the
speech so that it wouldn't make it appear as a political rally, that is
until Bush staffers prompted the only burst of applause after Bush's
"we will stay the fight until the fight is won" statement.
Could this administration be anymore phony? Everywhere Bush speaks
his audiences are hand picked and screened so as to weed out any
possible criticism or tough questioning.
I was disappointed by Bush's speech because I had hoped he would
level with the American people and be truthful about the long road our
troops are faced with in Iraq, and that it will be some time before we
can train Iraqi soldiers to replace our troops in securing their
country. Instead, it turned out to be another manipulative speech using
9/11 over and over again to justify the Iraq War.
WMD's were not mentioned once in his speech....


Blogger Lomstradamus said...

Thanks Chris,
As crazy as I seem, I do know my rights and I am not afraid if the government starts a file on me..LOL!!
I am just thankful that I can voice my opinions and share them with my friends through this medium. I also really appreciate the talking points Bush uses over and over again in his speeches in your comments.
You are wise beyond your "ears" my friend....

2:40 PM  

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