Thursday, September 15, 2005

How U.S. Senators voted on Independent Commission to Investigate response to Hurricane Katrina

Here is proof that Republicans want to whitewash the investigation into what went wrong with local, state and government responses to hurricane Katrina in the Golf Coast.
All Democrats voted (yes) and all Republicans (no) except Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter who decide not to vote at all.
Vitter I guess doesn't seem very interested in finding out how hundreds of his own people died as a result of poor government responses by all levels including the President.
I sent him a nice e-mail explaining my thoughts on his lack of interest of a independent investigation.

Dear Senator Vitter,
You of all people should have taken the time to vote for an independent investigation into the Hurricane Katrina government response. It is your people who died and lost their homes and lives.
I am saddened that you would not represent your people and all of America to find out what needs to be fixed so that the next natural disaster can be met with better response and communications from the government. This is not a Democrat/Republican issue, it is one that affects all Americans.
The whole Republican Senate voted against finding out why things went so wrong with FEMA and the President's slow response in dealing with the crisis.
I guess the Elephant is more important then the people who lost their lives in hurricane Katrina.
Shame on you and your party for wanting to whitewash a very serious investigation. The Republican party will pay for this in the upcoming elections and in the future.
Chris Lomheim

You may also e-mail him and let him know what you think:

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

St. Paul Mayor Gets humiliated in Primaries

Democratic Mayor Randy Kelly was dealt a crushing blow in the St. Paul Mayoral primaries on Tuesday by Chris Coleman (no relation to Senator Norm Coleman) a previous six year City Councilman.
Coleman received 52% of the Vote followed by Kelly 27% and Green-party candidate Elizabeth Dickinson 19% which was very good numbers considering she entered the race in June.

Randy Kelly who supported George W. Bush's reelection instead of senior Democrat Senator John Kerry broke ranks with fellow Democrats by supporting the war in Iraq. I believe that the majority of people in St. Paul voted for John Kerry and this is going to sink Kelly's reelection bid this fall.

I was in disbelief and anger when Mayor Kelly went against his own party to to endorse Bush in 2004.
I think Kelly's relationship with the the Democratic party has come to an end, as it should.
Kelly damaged public safety in St. Paul by failing to keep police and fire staffing at full strength. He supported the policies of both President Bush and Gov. Tim Pawlenty which harmed St. Paul instead of helping.
Good riddance Mr. Kelly.