Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorist attacks in London

While President Bush has "taken the fight to the terrorist so we don't have to fight them here" (as the right-wing claim) alQaeda is claiming responsibility for the bombings in London today which included a double decker bus and the Edgeware Rd. Tube station.
My heart goes out to all those who have been injured or killed in this latest terrorist attack.
The most frightening thought is that today it was London, tomorrow it could be America or anywhere. The claim that we are fighting the terrorist in Iraq so we don't have to fight them at home is not only a falsehood, it is pure ignorance.
We originally took the fight to the terrorist when we declared war against the Taliban in Afghanistan who were harboring and aiding Osama bin Ladden and al Qaeda who were the "real" terrorist behind 9/11 and who are claiming responsibility for this latest attack in England.
As terrible and sad as this attack is, it should serve as a reminder that while we are tied down in the obvious quagmire in Iraq the real terrorists still have to ability to pick and chose who and where they want to attack anywhere in the world.
By the way..... Where is bin ladden?


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