Sunday, July 10, 2005

How are America's rich making sacrifices for the "War on Terror"?


by Lomstradamus

It is puzzling to me how a country during wartime can fund a war against "terror" yet make rolling tax cuts for the richest in our nation.
President Bush talks about how the war in Iraq is a worthy cause even with over 1,700 casualties and tens of thousand of veterans coming home without arms or legs.
While the soldiers and their families are the ones making the real sacrifices in this war, and the middle and lower class are paying for it in taxes and their children's blood, what are the rich sacrificing here at home to support this war?
May I remind everyone that the Bush administration claimed that Iraq's oil sales would pay for this war, which was a selling point that made sense to most people.
While record deficits keep piling up and no real end of the war in sight, how can Bush justify all the tax cuts which are only helping the rich?
Are the rich offering up their children to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan?
It seems like a win win situation for the richest among us.
Bush always brings up the word "sacrifice" in his addresses to the nation, I'm baffled as to how the elite in this country are making sacrifices. It seems that they are making profits and endless ones at that.
The term "war on terror" is meaningless because terror is not a thing, it is not a country, it isn't even a group of people. Terror is an ideology that has no end. The Bush administration using military force to rid the middle east of terror is ridiculous, and it is further proof of how out of touch they are with the real reasons terror exists.
If you even mention the word "Western policies" to pro-war hawks as a possible reason for the upsurge in terror against America, they get very angry and defensive as though it couldn't be anything "we" have done to create this hatred in the Islamic world.
They claim we are spreading democracy and freedom around the world, and they say "aren't you interested in spreading democracy and ending evil dictatorships" and my answer is yes, but not by isolating ourselves from the rest of the world and bullying other countries into "your either with us or your with the terrorists" style of diplomacy which Bush offered up to the U.N. and other countries worldwide.
The "war on terror" is a slogan created just as the "war on drugs" was created in the Reagan era/ The only problem is that military wars don't win either conflict.
Ideas must be fought from Ideological perspective, and while I agree that the "terrorists" such as Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda deserve no negotiation or diplomatic terms, our leaders must take an honest look at our policies from the past and the current ones we have right now.
I believe that the Iraq war has created a vacuum for which is producing new leagues of terrorists who hate America.
How can the Republican party say it supports our troops while they cut veterans benefits to our wounded soldiers, while at the same time give outrageous tax cuts to the super rich?
It makes me sick to my stomach......


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