Thursday, July 14, 2005

GOP lying and covering up Rove's involvement in Plamegate

If you have been following all the spin coming from the Republican talking heads including Congressman Pete King of New York, you are hearing a set of talking points made by the White House to protect Karl Rove at any cost. They say that Karl Rove didn't leak Plames identity because he didn't mention her by "name" in the e-mail, however anyone could have found out who Joseph Wilson's wife was by doing a simple Google search.
According to them, the outing of a covert CIA agent is no big deal and because they claim Plame was not covert.
Here are the GOP talking points issued to the Republican media and spin misters:

All in an attempt to protect Rove and smear Wilson and Plame.
MN. Senator Norm Coleman said that the Rove/Plame development was just partisan attacks by the Democrats. (Try telling that to the Department of Justice who is leading the investigation into Roves involvement) The Bush administration has been dishonest to the American people about Rove's involvement, they have claimed since 2003 that Rove wasn't involved, "how would they know?"
What does Bush and Cheney really know about the Plame leak? Who is the second administration official involved in the leak as described by Cooper?
The right-wing media has been desperately trying to discredit Joseph Wilson and trying even harder to convince everyone that Valerie Plame wasn't really a legitimate "covert" CIA agent, and that the leak didn't put anyones career of life in danger.
This administration seems more interested in protecting its ass then protecting the Constitution and safety of our country. Their making light of this breach of national security as if it is no big deal, this is what worries me the most. We are is serious danger when an administration condones these kinds of crimes by its highest officials. And the stonewalling by Scotty McClellen and President Bush is only making things look worse for them. They can run but they cant hide.
What a complete disgrace this administration is, and what it has done to or country is beyond the pale.


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