Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bush chooses Anti-Choice Judge to replace Sandra Day O'Connor

The President chose right leaning Judge John Roberts to replace the retired Sandra Day O'Connor.
Did anyone really believe that Bush would choose a moderate judge?
While was quick to declare war on the Presidents nomination, others from the left want to know more about Roberts.
One thing that stands out is Roberts belief that Roe should be overturned. He also helped win the case that gagged Doctors from even discussing abortion with their patients. He opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip mine mountaintops. He tried to stop Congress from strengthening the Voting Rights Act. He worked to keep injured workers from receiving disability. And no wonder, he’s regularly been associated with corporate, far right legal groups in America -- the Washington Legal Foundation, the Federalist Society, and the so-called National Legal Center for the Public Interest.
This is just what Karl Rove and Bush wanted to divert attention from the Rove scandal by creating a controversy that will take Rove out of the media spotlight.
More to come.........


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