Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

Please Reconsider Impeachment
Dear Speaker of the House Pelosi,
I am writing you to ask that you please support Rep. Dennis Kucinich's filing of Articles of Impeachment against Vice President Cheney. It is very important to me and every American citizen that the Vice President be held accountable for his misrepresenting of facts and blatant misinformation leading up to the Iraq war.
Why do I think impeachment is important? I believe that we have to make our leaders accountable for being dishonest especially when it involves launching preemptive wars against countries killing tens of thousand Iraqi's and thousands of brave American Troops lives, not to mention the hundreds of billions of dollars this war is costing us.
Vice President Cheney continues to go on talk shows and claim that Iraq was involved with 9/11/01 even after it has been proven false.
Please do the right thing so future Vice Presidents will know they will be held accountable for lying to Congress and the American people.
Mr. Chris Lomheim
Minneapolis, MN


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