Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Ashamed of My Government

How could a President go golfing the day after our nations most devastating natural disaster?
Why did our government not have a plan to save lives from hurricane Katrina until almost a week afterwards?
How could our Commander and Chief congratulate FEMA director Michael Brown or "Brownie" as Bush calls him? "Brownie your doing a heck of a job" was Bush's exact words. Jeezus...... I suppose he'll be the next Medal of Freedom recipient.
Why was there no National Guard ready to help the refugees?
Why was there no communications among authorities and the government?
Why were there no buses to assist those without vehicles to escape the city?
Everyone knew that the levees could break, contrary to what George W. Bush said. Bush said "No one knew the levees would be breached"
This is the leader of our country saying these things.
Now Bush apologists are trying to cover up and shift the blame on local officials and local authorities while trying to make people think that Bush and FEMA did a great job considering the circumstances.

The time to ask the tough questions about what went wrong is NOW, not after Bush leaves office. This is not just a partisan issue here (as many Republicans are spining it as)

Our government was made to protect its people. This administration is not interested protecting the people, or in firing those who blatently failed their duties, and the first person to go should be Michael Brown.
Think we'll see it? I doubt we will see any changes from this President.
Bush want to set up an investigation into why his government failed to respond to hurricane Katrina.... lol!!
Thats like asking the wolf to guard the hen house.
The only way the American people will be able to find and fix the problems is by means of an independant investigation into this debacle. And I believe the Bush administration will do everything in its power to deflect criticism and cover up for the President's poor leadership during not just Hurricane Katrina but 9/11 as well.
We have a government which protects itself above its people for whom it serves. This is a dark chapter in American history.


Blogger brainhell said...

Don't you realize this is Bill Clinton's fault?

9:26 PM  

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